On November 27th, more than 150 land and mineral owners attended the NARO Oil & Gas Town Hall meeting at the Moundsville Center, inside the former West Virginia Penitentiary. NARO hosted the event to allow residents with oil and gas interests to ask questions about oil and gas law. NARO invited a panel of experts, which included GKT Oil & Gas attorney Christian Turak, CPA Jeff Yourkovich, and Delegates Joe Canestraro and Lisa Zukoff.
Local media came out to cover the event.
A week prior to the meeting, WTRF Channel 7 helped inform the community of the upcoming event. WTRF met at Gold, Khourey & Turak and spoke with Valerie Antonette, President NARO Appalachia and V-P of Bounty Minerals Management, and Jonathan Turak about the importance of attending the meeting.
Watch Valerie Antonette Video Here.
Watch Attorney Jonathan Turak Video Here.
They are encouraging those who own any mineral rights to attend and fully understand oil and gas law and how to get the most out of what they have. Jonathan Turak with Gold, Khourey and Turak says, “I think it’s really important for everybody that is a mineral right owner, has signed a lease, expects to receive royalties or is expecting, or is already receiving royalties.”
The November 27th event was well attended and local media came out to cover the meeting.
The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register covered the event and recapped much of the talking points in their December 4, 2018 article.
A small crowd met with a panel of oil and gas attorneys, legislators and interest groups Tuesday to discuss matters facing property owners. Attorney Christian Turak was on hand to explain legal precedent and the history of language used in oil and gas leases, as well as what royalty owners could do to maximize their own benefit.
“What you’re all doing tonight, that’s a good first step,” Turak said. “There’s strength in numbers here. The more we act as a community, the more formidable we are. These are multi-billion, multinational corporations. I deal with people in Denver, Houston, Fort Worth, every day. … see an oil and gas attorney. That’s what we’re here for.”
WTRF was also on hand and posted an overview on WTRF.com.
“There’s going to be a tremendous amount of development, and we’re only beginning to see the infant stages of it,” continued oil and gas attorney, Jon Turak.
A panel of experts from the Moundsville oil and gas law firm of Gold Khourey and Turak, local legislation and more answered questions from the community, including “Am I being paid what it is that I’m entitled to be paid under the terms of my oil and gas lease?”
One of the attendees, David Weaver, owns mineral rights with his an acre and half, and he has a trust with his family. He feels that he’s not getting the most out of what he has because of the confusing oil and gas contracts.
“This is ridiculous. A lot of leases I’ve seen over the years have been horrible,” he said.
Weaved added that hasn’t received any oil and gas royalties yet. “I want to learn the taxes, what I need to do prior receiving royalties, after receiving the royalties,” he continued.
Watch Story and Read Full Article.
Oil and gas attorney Christian Turak was a main presenter and many land and mineral owners asked for a copy of his brief presentation. All handouts were distributed and now available for download.
If you missed the town hall meeting and have questions about oil and gas leases, oil and gas royalty statements or any other oil and gas related issue, please contact our office at (304) 845-9750 for a free consultation. We are happy to assist you.