Most of us have been there. You incur a debt with every intention of paying it back but then life happens. The next thing you know, you’re receiving debt collection letters in the mail. They’re piling up and the stress that’s building becomes almost unbearable. When you read the debt letters, nothing makes sense, and you don’t even know if you owe the debt. It happens all too often.
What do you do?
Unfortunately, some debt collection companies are less than scrupulous and don’t pay attention to detail when sending collection letters. Some debt letters are purposefully confusing, unclear or contain inaccurate information. Even more, some letters don’t contain the information the law requires. This just makes an already horrible situation ten times worse.
Know Your Rights
Many people receiving these debt letters don’t know that they have rights under the West Virginia Consumer Credit Protection Act (“WVCCPA”). The WVCCPA protects consumers from unfair debt collection practices and those that have suffered a violation of the WVCCPA may be entitled to compensation or other legal relief.
This just could be the lifeline needed for a person receiving these debt letters.
If you have received a debt collection letter and would like to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an attorney to review your rights under the WVCCPA, call GKT today at (304) 845-9750!