If you have received a Murray bankruptcy proof of claim notice, you’re not alone. Many, many people throughout the community have called my office after receiving these notices to ask what they need to do. Your deadline to take action on a Murray Mine Subsidence Claim is March 9, 2020.
Most times, the landowners receiving these notices have mine subsidence claims against Murray or its subsidiaries. In essence, Murray’s mining activities have caused the ground to subside. That subsidence causes damage to homes and property alike. Some people’s homes have been severely damaged or even destroyed. It is extremely important that landowners who have received these notices take immediate action to preserve their claims.
Why is that? As most people are aware, Murray has filed for bankruptcy. People who have claims against a business that files for bankruptcy must file proof of their claims with the bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy court sets a deadline as to when all claims must be filed with the court. If a claimant does not timely file his or her proof of claim, it could very well be lost and extinguished during the course of the bankruptcy.
Don’t Wait – Act Now
The deadline to file a proof of claim in the Murray bankruptcy proceeding is March 9, 2020. If you have received a Murray bankruptcy proof of claim notice, call GKT today at (304) 845-9750 today to discuss your options!