Our client was hit head-on by a drunk driver. This was an Ohio OVI and dram shop case that went to trial. The Court awarded compensatory damages, punitive damages, attorneys’ fees, and court costs.
Our client, a volunteer firefighter, was a passenger in a tanker fire truck driven by another volunteer firefighter who failed to control the vehicle. The decedent’s estate alleged that the driver of the fire truck failed to maintain control of…
We represented a family on behalf of their young child who drowned in a swimming pool despite having numerous swimming lessons and two lifeguards on duty. Negligence included failure to adequately supervise individuals using the pool, failure to adequately staff…
We represented the estate of an individual who was admitted to a mental health facility for suicide attempts and severe depression. The facility failed to follow suicide protocol and remove items that were of danger to our client, which included…
Our client was walking on the sidewalk when a box truck backed onto the sidewalk striking him, causing severe multiple fractures of the pelvis as well as disruption of his urethra. He remained in the intensive care unit until his…
Our client was killed instantly when a trailer came detached from the tractor and hit her head-on. The investigation revealed that the accident was caused by an improperly hitched trailer and an inadequately secured load.
Our client was hit head-on by a drunk driver and killed. The drunk driver was in the course and scope of his employment at the time of the crash. During our investigation, it was discovered that the drunk driver had…