This year with the pandemic has been challenging for many in the Ohio Valley. While our Moundsville lawyers and staff pride ourselves in helping people during our normal every day operations with auto accident injuries and claims, oil and gas negotiations, and declined social security or VA benefits, it was more important than ever for us to continue to give back to the community we serve. We are a local personal injury law firm that cares about our community.
Please have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. From our Gold, Khourey & Turak family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Turkey Giveaway

Whether you start decorating before Thanksgiving or wait until after your big feast, we like to start the season with giving. To kick-off the season, GKT gave away a 19.5 pound turkey to a lucky family in the Ohio Valley.
In 2019, we had over 4,000 entries for the first week of our holiday contests. This year we had 9,957 submissions.
Christmas Giveaway
We announced that instead of finding the hottest toys this year, the staff at Gold, Khourey and Turak would be giving away over $150 worth of toys. The best part, the Moundsville lawyers at GKT would also wrap the toys. The Grand Prize would be even better. The winner of the Christmas Giveway will receive $250 worth of toys.

Our contests bring together our community through Live Video and Social Media engagement. We love hearing about Christmas memories, what families do during the holidays, and what big gifts are on the lists this year.
18th Annual Community Christmas Tree Lighting
Much like everything else in 2020, our Christmas Tree Lighting had to be different. To keep everyone safe, we decided to go virtual and Live on video so everyone could participate from the comfort of their own home. We had local media and personalities here at the Moundsville Office ready to celebrate and bring you the coverage.

Kevin Kimple, Assistant Moundsville Fire Chief stopped by and installed our plaque in memory of Chief Noel Clark. Chief Clark started the tradition of delivering Santa to our office by firetruck in 2003. We value our relationship with the City of Moundsville and the Moundsville Fire Department. Our successful tree lighting ceremonies could not be accomplished without their support.
Our friend and neighbor, Roberta Underdonk of Moundsville pushed the button to light the tree.

Virtual Trees
We love interacting with our online community. Since we couldn’t invite everyone to our office for the Tree Lighting, we asked you to invite us in to your home (virtually). We asked to see your Christmas Trees and you delivered. Our Moundsville lawyers and staff started by showing you their trees. Our page was flooded with comments, pictures, and stories about your festive trees. From Steubenville, Ohio to New Martinsville, West Virginia, we saw some of most beautiful holiday decorations.

This was so much fun that we might even give it another shot in 2021!
Community Support Through Charity
Our friend, Pastor Wesley Howsare from the First Christian Chuch in Moundsville stopped by our office to pick up legal pads and envelopes. As Wesley remembers, we have been donating these items each Christmas to the Marshall County Ministerial Association for “as long as we can remember.”
We had a very special guest stop by our office in December, Santa! Usually, Santa would be busy at John Marshall High School reading letters from children as part of WJMH Media Department’s “Santa’s Workshop.” This year the telecast has been canceled, however, GKT and has partnered with the broadcasting class to purchase gifts from the giving tree to help Marshall County residents this Christmas.

GKT is proud to assist the Marshall County Caring Tree and donate food to families in need in our community. Many families are struggling this year. If you are able to help, please consider donating canned goods or boxes of pasta to the Marshall County Caring Tree.
Contact Amanda Gouldsberry at (304) 281-0511.
More to Come
Just because the holidays come and go in November and December, we are always looking to support Moundsville, Marshall County, and the Ohio Valley.
Be sure to visit our Facebook page to see upcoming contests, news articles, and blogs.