Too often people are injured because other drivers ignore dangerous road conditions. Imagine traveling on I-70, Route 2 in Wheeling, or Route 7 in Martins Ferry on your way to work and being injured in a car accident because another driver loses control of their car and hits you. You could suffer lost wages and have no way to pay your medical bills. What about property damage to your vehicle? Car and truck accidents can rarely be anticipated or prepared for but an accident can happen to anyone at any time. As a car accident lawyer, I see the devastating results of car and truck accidents every day.
While you can’t prevent a negligent driver from causing an car accident, there are some steps you can take to help you avoid becoming involved in a serious car or truck crash. If are involved in a car accident, contact a car accident lawyer at Gold, Khourey & Turak for a free consultation. We can help you with your car and medical bills, and obtain the compensation you deserve.
Avoid Car Accidents with these five safe driving tips:

Turn on your headlights so other drivers can see you. When other drivers see you, they’ll be less likely to hit you.
A three second following distance is the safety standard for driving in dry weather conditions, but it’s not enough time to stop when the roads are wet or icy. Stopping from higher speeds on slick roads requires more distance. For this reason, it’s best to keep a ten second following distance when it’s raining or snowing, or if the roads are icy.
You can time your following distance by focusing on a fixed object and counting the time it takes for you to pass the object after the car in front of you passes it. If you’re following too closely, slow down and try counting again.
Instead of rushing yourself, try leaving a little earlier than usual to give yourself extra time to reach your destination. If you sleep through your alarm, simply call someone to let them know you’ll be late. No matter the situation, it’s better to be late than in an accident.
Set yourself up with a set of winter tires. Winter tires are ideal for their flexibility at low temperatures and provide better traction for braking and turning on slick roads.
Replace your windshield wipers with rubber-lined blades to clear away light snow accumulation. Remember to use a scraper if your windshield is covered with heavy snow and ice, and to clean all of your car’s windows.

You can’t depend on other drivers to be prepared for bad weather. Be on your guard for reckless drivers by keeping both eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel. Make sure to set your mirrors so you can watch traffic behind you and take a second glance to your right and left before turning or going through an intersection. Do not text and drive, and use hands-free devices for phone calls.
Remember, car accidents can happen to anyone at any time and for any reason. Following these tips won’t always guarantee you a safe trip, but they will lessen your risk of getting into an accident. Be sure to watch the local weather reports on WTOV-TV 9 or WTRF-TV 7 and be prepared when bad weather heads your way.

If you’ve been seriously hurt in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, don’t trust the insurance company to protect you. The personal injury attorneys and wrongful death lawyers at Gold, Khourey & Turak can help you with your property damage, lost wages, and medical bills, and get you the compensation you deserve.
Call and talk with a car accident lawyer today at (304) 845-9750 or Live Chat with us 24/7. We offer free consultations on all car accident claims, and there’s no fee until we win your case. Home, weekend, and evening appointments are available for your convenience.