Gold, Khourey & Turak has a long and rich tradition of supporting the communities that it serves. Since I joined GKT in 2014, I’ve been proud to continue that tradition. Whether it’s serving as the city attorney for Cameron, West Virginia, counsel for the Moundsville Water Board, or a board member of the Appalachian Chapter of the National Association of Royalty Owners, I’ve always felt that it’s my duty to give back whenever and wherever I can.
That’s why when I was asked to join the board of Helping Heroes earlier this year, my answer was an immediate “yes.” For those who may not be familiar with the organization, Helping Heroes is a veteran-founded and veteran-administered non-profit that provides housing and other resources to homeless or near-homeless veterans. For many struggling veterans, the resources Helping Heroes provides is the difference between a life on the streets and a path towards a productive and fulfilling future. The mission of Helping Heroes is in the name—helping our hero veterans.

While I learned about Helping Heroes and the work it does during my campaign for the West Virginia House of Delegates, what I learned upon joining is just how dedicated and passionate the people behind Helping Heroes are. It truly is an organization of people that are looking to make real and long-lasting impacts in our communities.
To say that I was honored to become a part of such an organization is such an understatement. I met so many veterans during my campaign, and what I heard time and time again is how difficult it is for veterans to get the help they need. Whether it’s access to benefits, mental and physical health services, or housing and other life needs, help is difficult to find. To be offered an opportunity to be a part of the solution to some of these issues is humbling and not something I take lightly.
What’s more, it’s an exciting time for Helping Heroes. The organization has outgrown its now-previous headquarters in Moundsville, West Virginia and is transitioning to a new home in Wheeling, West Virginia at the old Ohio Valley Medical Center site. The goal is to have a facility that can offer more resources to more veterans. Fundraising will be key to making that goal a reality.
On Friday, May 22, 2021, we held our annual fundraiser, “A Night to Remember,” at River City in Wheeling. I was proud to have GKT sponsor the event and be a part of the festivities. Not only that, my wife and I had a fun excuse to call the babysitter and have a night out meeting new people and seeing some familiar faces. Judging by the amount of people there and the energy in the room, I’d say the night was a clear success. I’m looking forward to many more successes as a part of Helping Heroes.
GKT has always supported local veterans in a variety of ways. In the last several years, GKT has formed a dedicated Veterans Affairs disability practice. Recently, GKT attorney Taylor D. Potts has received training and accreditation from the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs to represent veterans seeking Veterans Affairs benefits. GKT’s support of Helping Heroes is a new, exciting chapter in this tradition.